I can say that for the first time in a really long time I'm considering leaving Opera. I've been using it a few hours so far and it's definately good.
What are your thoughts?
Okay, say any of you are above 18, and you care about your finances. I know, big words!
Then you browse on the wrong browser, to have someone steal your identity. Now it's hard to get a credit card, take out loans, or even get a job.
I know, you're living off mommy's salary, but one day things will change. If you get your identity stolen you may as well get hit by a car.
So yes, if someone was to make decisions to use OS's with bad leaks, and then do stuff like online banking, it WILL lead to very bad situations.
Yeah I came out harshly, but sometimes the truth needs to be heard. You don't like being insulted? Fine. I won't. But if you do any form of bill paying, online banking, or even buying online, your identity is in threat. Use a browser or an os with holes, your putting your entire life in danger.
Bad credit can mean:
Can't get new carsCan't buy the house you wantedCan't get the job you wantedCan't get loans with resonable ratesCan't get good cc's with good ratesCan't get electronics with a down payment, need the money on hand.Pretty much everything that's good will be taken.
And yes, I know at least 30% of you are over 18...
Sorry for my sarcastic attitude today. I've been dealing alot with troublemaker kids lately. But yes, I meant this is the way of credit.
Again, sorry. I do tend to hold alot in, and I guess sometimes it's easier to yell at people you don't know then do something that will be VERY BAD.
But I guess you guys don't like it when I do this either eh. Maybe I'll get a punching bad. Or play TF2 when I'm like this.
Well yes, most things can be purchased, but when it comes to a house or a car, if you don't have good credit today, you'll be spending all your money on gas and living in your parents basement.
AT THE VERY LEAST you need good credit to buy those two.
Well I suppose if you have $200,000 laying around you don't need credit for a house...
And it depends on what IE you have. The question more or less lies in responsibility. Yes, you can get by with an os with holes, but one without makes it alot easier.
And you can get viruses while using good os's, just like you can get hit by a car without being on an interstate.
But using a fully patched browser is the best thing you can do, esp if you do anything online with your money.