This feature to be implemented in version 702.
Published on February 29, 2012 By Savyg In Personal Computing

Who's excited?  I'm excited.

I love the idea of the Metro UI to remove distractions and make computers more efficient (suspended apps will be taken off the CPU scheduler and most likely the video resources will only be in virtual mem).  It was a little awkward on the Dev Preview but that isn't what the CP will look like anyway.

Storage spaces is probably my favorite feature they've talked about so far.  I'm not sure I want to ditch my Win7 install yet though, but it probably won't take long using 8CP before I do.

I do wish ReFS was in the client builds, but it doesn't sound like it will be.  (At least in the final OS...don't know about the CP.)

I definately like the plugin free browser idea too.  Most of the time you browse they're unnecessary anyway.

Otherwise it's mostly just more efficient, and I can't argue with that!

Comments (Page 9)
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on Mar 08, 2012

And don't want to sound harsh but: If Virtual Box is 'too technical', one should really avoid installing betas of operating systems.

Probably good advice.... although a virtual install is certainly less 'precarious' than perhaps dual-booting or even worse... replacing a functional OS with a trial/buggy/beta ...

on Mar 08, 2012

okay all i did was repartition my C drive (was 1tb) made a 250 gb partition, then proceeded to to do a clean boot and installed Win 8 CP from burned ISO dvd.  All worked great. i have dual boot to either win 7 pro or win 8 cp.  All is good.

on Mar 08, 2012

I created a mirror image of C: before trying to install W8. Now all I got to do is figure out how to restore it. Googled it but no luck and Windows help is no help.

on Mar 08, 2012

I created a mirror image of C: before trying to install W8. Now all I got to do is figure out how to restore it. Googled it but no luck and Windows help is no help.

You replaced your 'functioning' OS with the beta of 8?

Along with the sign re stepping off a cliff that says "Don't" ....there SHOULD be one for what you did.....

on Mar 08, 2012

NO! I'm not that stupid. I want to restore the system image to recover all my graphics! Installing Win8 on a separate partition didn't work. I made the system image 'before' doing that. I still have Win7, just not my graphics. If I can't restore them I'll have to ask/beg for replacements. Give me some credit at least.

on Mar 08, 2012

I made the system image 'before' doing that. I still have Win7, just not my graphics. If I can't restore them I'll have to ask/beg for replacements. Give me some credit at least.

So you have removed your 'graphics' to an image file...that you are now trying to recover...and you made that image to 'protect' your files before installing win 8.

Now you cannot 'restore' what part of my statement about 'don't' didn't you understand?

I am imagining you cleared your 'graphics' off the machine so you could make a partition...and install win 8.

That's what I mean when I say 'don't'.

You do NOT imperil a mission-critical computer [read 'work'] with a temporary beta OS, no matter how appealing it may seem, not if you don't want to end up with problems...

on Mar 08, 2012

I can't win.

on Mar 08, 2012

All is right in the world of uvah. The rescue disk I booted into and navigated to the external drive where the system image is. Forty minutes later and................................

on Mar 08, 2012


on Mar 08, 2012

Some useful info for those who are interested: and a plug for Start 8:


on Mar 08, 2012

All is right in the world of uvah

on Mar 08, 2012

All is right in the world of uvah.


Hehe...that'll be the day....sorry Ross. Couldn't 

on Mar 08, 2012

Look at it this way. There's no other world like mine. Insanity reigns.


on Mar 08, 2012

Look at it this way. There's no other world like mine. Insanity reigns.

Proud mother at the marching day other mum..."Isn't my son grand...he's the ONLY one in step..." ...

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