This feature to be implemented in version 702.
Published on February 29, 2012 By Savyg In Personal Computing

Who's excited?  I'm excited.

I love the idea of the Metro UI to remove distractions and make computers more efficient (suspended apps will be taken off the CPU scheduler and most likely the video resources will only be in virtual mem).  It was a little awkward on the Dev Preview but that isn't what the CP will look like anyway.

Storage spaces is probably my favorite feature they've talked about so far.  I'm not sure I want to ditch my Win7 install yet though, but it probably won't take long using 8CP before I do.

I do wish ReFS was in the client builds, but it doesn't sound like it will be.  (At least in the final OS...don't know about the CP.)

I definately like the plugin free browser idea too.  Most of the time you browse they're unnecessary anyway.

Otherwise it's mostly just more efficient, and I can't argue with that!

Comments (Page 13)
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on Mar 14, 2012


on Mar 14, 2012

Yeah but I bet your Stihl can't make a good jug of home made 'shine'. Tasted that stuff once. Never again! Sick to my stomach for a good while.

on Mar 15, 2012

Yeah but I bet your Stihl can't make a good jug of home made 'shine'. Tasted that stuff once. Never again! Sick to my stomach for a good while.
Musta got some kerosene mash.

Good blackberry shine is the stuff. Goes down like water, sits you down quick.....

on Mar 15, 2012

Its the standing up that fraggles your brain.

on Mar 15, 2012

My nephew used to make a sour mash that made Jack Daniels look like lolly water in comparison... like it was 72% proof and would lay you down real quick after one or two too many... and for him five or six was too many.  In the end he was issued an ultimatum from his wife: "Me or the drink."  Wisely, he chose her and these days just has a couple of beers on weekends.

Anyhow, this isn't discussing Windows 8... or has it all been said already?

on Mar 15, 2012

It was break time. Now you may return to 8 bashing.

on Mar 15, 2012

I don't necessarily want to bash it, despite the Metro mistake MS is pushing on us.  There are some great improvements under the hood and I'd like to be able to take advantage of those... it's whether or not MS listens to consumers and allows the disabling of Metro for desktop PC's while returning the start button/menu to the classic desktop mode, though Winstep Xtreme would restore complete functionality should MS not listen.

on Mar 16, 2012

Realistic question here.
Does anyone think (or is it even possible) that any of the actual good stuff thats wrapped up in Win8's shitty exterior will or could make it into a Win7 SP2? I really like the ribbon in explorer, plus alot of the new disk functions i saw, along with the new Taskmanager, and i'm sure plenty of other goodies i'm forgetting. (or didn't see since i bailed on 8 very quick)

I won't ever be using metro. I didn't like it, period. I'm not opposed to change, but said change should be for the better, and since my windows experience and desktop is as personal to me as my car or my clothing, any change should impress me or improve upon what i have.

Some functions of Win8 will do that i'm sure, but those under the hood functions could well work fine on Win7. i hope they can, and do!

If Win8 after release performs very poorly, as many of us expect (and i hope) perhaps that might encourage MS to back port some of the cool 8 features to 7, knowing that is where the customer base remains.

If Ms fails to listen, i can see SD and Winstep making a tidy profit.

on Mar 16, 2012

Name of the game...profit. One persons fugly is another's gold mine.

on Mar 21, 2012

Does anyone think (or is it even possible) that any of the actual good stuff thats wrapped up in Win8's shitty exterior will or could make it into a Win7 SP2? I really like the ribbon in explorer, plus alot of the new disk functions i saw, along with the new Taskmanager, and i'm sure plenty of other goodies i'm forgetting. (or didn't see since i bailed on 8 very quick)
MS has no incentive to backport anything good to Win 7 and many reasons not to.  It's not going to happen.

I'd bet more strongly on Win9 being brought to market faster than expected and have a desktop edition. 

on Mar 21, 2012

Such is the life of a computer user, don't upgrade and you wonder what you might be missing, upgrade and you wonder why you didn't stick with the previous version of the software. 

on Mar 21, 2012

There's really nothing seriously broken in Win7.  I suspect Win8 will increase Win7 sales.

on Mar 21, 2012

There's really nothing seriously broken in Win7.

Just because something isn't broken doesn't mean it can do everything you want it to.  On the other hand...

I suspect Win8 will increase Win7 sales.

...I certainly don't disagree with you there.

on Mar 21, 2012

Lets not overlook one very important factor and that would be Stardock's approach on making it's software compatible with Windows 8.  Stardock's decisions will influence a lot of PC users.    

on Mar 21, 2012

There are a lot of good things in win 8. Unfortunately Metro is useless. I've been using this CP for 3 weeks now and am just getting comfortable on the desktop. Everything I have in win 7 is working here now and I must admit some things work better. Like my ATI Radeon 5450 video card which when using the win 8 drivers from ATI works way better. If I could just lose the Metro thing and get my proper start menu back, I'd be happy.


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