This game looks DAMN good.
It's hard to believe games are starting to look this good.
Pretty dang fun too, though obviously not terribly deep.
I may or may not still be using a PC for gaming in five years. I would hope MS won't royally screw up their next console.
PC gamings lacks are nowhere near as bad as they were with XP and Vista but they're still definately there.
My name is Bowl-LOW San-TOE-zee. I am da leada of the group known as da reap-PAHs. How can I help you comb-raid?
Yep. The sad thing is, it kinda works. I wouldn't go to some random place in Asia and expect everyone to speak perfect English
I would but then I'm english and we expect the half of the world we ruled to speak properly, (that includes parts of the USA btw).
Don't make us throw another Tea Party
It' a really bad imitation of a Singaporean accent. They probably made everything bad on purpose, though.
That's the impression I'm getting from videos and gameplay footage; it's meant to be bad, which fits in wel with the over-the-top gameplay I think.
We expect you Brits to shut up, and it never happens. I guess thats an unresolved conflict!
anyway, yeah. I finished JC2...and it makes me sad...but I will keep blowing stuff up for sure Just got these other games to play first...maybe...